Special Offers & Discount Codes
Here is where you'll find links to our latest promo's that are happening both online and in store.
Please note that not all offers are advertised in store (mainly due to time constraints!) so if you see something online at a certain price, but this isn't seen in store, just alert a staff member who will match that for you.
Our current offers are:
3 for 2 on Fox, POC, Wizard Works, Altura, Norrona, Specialized, Fiveten
- Cheapest item is free of charge
- Applies automatically at the checkout
- Offer applies in store too
- Please see our t's & c's in respects of exchanges / returns
- Just put 3 full price things in the basket and the checkout does the rest
- Limited to 3 uses per customer online
- Excludes all sale items
- Excludes all bikes and frames